April has all but gone....

April 27, 2018

I'm creeping in here rather quietly, as it's been such an age since my last post. The world didn't stop turning though, especially the Stampin' Up! world.....
Earlier this month Stampin' Up! demonstrators worldwide, at #onstage2018 got to see the brand new catalogue due to be released on June 1st. Words like amazing, incredible, unbelievable, marvelous, stunning and simply, wonderful, come immediately to mind and I'm sure you will be in total agreement once you see it too. 
(A word on that....if you have ordered from me this past 12 months, you will be receiving your very own copy of the catalogue directly to your letterbox....I have arranged that for you.)

This is what it looks like.....let other peeps in your house know that you're expecting something very important towards the end of May.

I have been playing with some stamp sets that I was lucky enough to receive at #onstage2018 and I will share with you here what I am working on right now. I'm using Stampin' Blends which will be back towards the end of May.
"In Every Season" will be available from June 1st.

Can you imagine these made in to 3"x3"cards....so cute!

A bit like these ones I made recently, with the retiring stamp set "Basket of Wishes"

In other news, you have until the 30th April to use the current Host Code EKGNK4HW. Add this code to any online order of $100(before shipping) and you will share in my Host Rewards. You will be prompted in this at the checkout stage. If, however, your order is $250 or more DO NOT use the code as you will have earned Host Rewards all by yourself.
Your reward for April, posted to you in May, by me, will be the Silicone Craft Sheet, an invaluable tool, useful in so many ways(valued at $10)

Ok, back to my crafting desk now....to work on more to show you in the coming days. Oh and make sure you do check back soon, because I have some exciting news about an early release from the new catalogue, for you, my dear customers.

Until then, happy stampin'

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The contents of this site is the sole responsibility of JANE MARSHALL as an Independent Stampin'Up!® Demonstrator, and the use of and content on this personal blog are not endorsed by Stampin'Up!®. I am more than happy to share my creations for inspiration but please do not use any of my works to submit for contests or publications without permission.